How we work

Every project is unique, which is why we offer a wide range of tailored solutions.


We offer a range of technology-based services that merge the virtual and physical worlds. Our team specializes in creating innovative events that captivate audiences and help businesses stand out. Whether it's developing cutting-edge technologies or pushing the boundaries of what's possible, we're committed to delivering top-quality service and making a lasting impact.


Our team is dedicated to pushing the limits of what's possible, whether it's through developing cutting-edge software or integrating new hardware. From concept to execution, we provide end-to-end support and guidance to ensure our clients stay ahead of the curve. With our help, businesses can unlock the full potential of technology and create truly revolutionary digital experiences.


  • Innovation: We are a creative team that generates fresh ideas to disrupt the status quo. Additionally, we enhance existing features to broaden our perspectives.
  • Excellence: We pay close attention to detail and challenge ourselves to reach our full potential, aiming for perfection in every step of the process.
  • Integrity: We uphold our principles and ethical values, even when no one is watching. We maintain transparency in all of our processes.


  • Improve user experiences
  • Strengthen relationships with technology-savvy stakeholders.
  • Implement technological processes for solution development.
  • Foster our culture and values within the organization.
  • Expand and position the brand along with our clients.

Project Management

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value.

Case Development

We develop a strategy for the client and we translate the solution through our experts team: 3D modelers, animators, designers, developers, and strategists.

Close Awatch

Data Analysis
Continuous Dialogue

How we work

We are passionate about innovation and always stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and methodologies.

Thinking Methodology

Industry research for inspiration
OKR definition (Objectives and Key Results)
Brand analysis and comprehension


Based on the strategy that the client needs, we solve it with the skills of our diferents experts: digital experience creators, 3D modelers, animators, hologram designers, developers, VR experts, and strategists.


Data Analysis
Continuous Dialogue

Our team

Conformed by developers, technicians and artists specialized in technology.

Alen Valdivia


Lord K2

Creative Strategist

Matias Valdivia 


Jenny Tejedor

Business Developer

Nicolas Rodriguez

Synthetic 3D Worlds Designer

Martin Gutter

Director of Digital Content Strategy


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